Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Discovering by thought.

So much can come from a simple thought.

Some of my best thinking happens in the places that I least expect it. Or the places I expect it most. A little bit of both.

[Listening to old music, looking out at the city lights at night, sitting on a small airplane, the temple, looking at pictures.. anywhere, doing anything.]

And where I lead again.. So much can come from a simple thought. One thought leads to another, and another, and then [boom].

I love simple quiet times that I can just sit and think.

Some thoughts that I have really pondered on in the past few weeks... 
- I have a wonderful and supportive family that I hold close to my heart. And that I miss everyday.
- As many trials as I go through, as stressful as my life may seem, and as much as I have lost, I am grateful for where I am today. My mistakes have taught me and shaped me into who I am today. And, I like that.
- I've grown to make choices sincerely for me, and as difficult as that can be for others to see and understand, I couldn't be happier. I am growing up, and I am learning for myself, not from inside a small bubble.
- I really love being apart of the LDS church. It helps me, and that is why I chose to become a member. I have recognized how blessed I really am within my own life.
- I discovered I don't really have a "style".. I wear what I feel like that day, whether it's a flowy dress, a pair of jeans and a white v-neck, or bundling up in a sweatshirt. I like being me for me, and I'm comfortable with that.
- I also discovered how much I love being active, whether it is exercising at the gym (or fieldhouse, in my case here at school), running, playing football, or even just laughing. Yes, I consider uncontrollably laughing an "exercise". So shoot me :)
- My missionary truly is my best friend. I adore that boy and I respect him and all the choices he has made for himself, family, church, and me. Just because I'm not sitting on my tush crying all the time, making a shrine, and counting down the minutes, hours, and seconds until he is home, doesn't mean I don't love the boy with all that I can offer. He's my best friend. He's living his life, and I am learning to live mine as well. It's a strength for us both. And an absolute blessing.
- I am beyond excited for this summer to work with the A-Team. They are a phenomenal group of people and the opportunity to work with them is a blessing in it's own. I've gotten to break my little protective shell that I put on, and I couldn't be more excited.

Thoughts truly do lead to ACTIONS. I love where I am, who I am, and who I am with. I don't have to have someone guiding me through it, and personally I like to make my own choices and base my own opinions off of sheerly my thoughts. Growing up is hard, but holding myself back is just as hard, if not more difficult. My advice: live it all. Not just the anticipated moments, not just the big events, but live it all up. Live up the moment you are sitting on the couch with your roommate, enjoy the company and conversation. Love the alone time, and let it allow you to construct yourself into a better person. Get out, take risks, be adventurous! :) I'm taking my baby steps finally, and I can't wait to embark fully on my journey's.