Sometimes, I just don't want to go to work.
Sometimes, I don't want to go to class. At all.
Sometimes, dating sucks.
Sometimes, my hair looks gross.
BUT, sometimes--
I have really wonderful days at work. Actually, quite frequently. I work with some quite incredible people, who are genuine, fun, hilarious, and dedicated. I get opportunities that I never even expected from working in a restaurant business, and it continues to amaze me. I love my roadies, and where they've put me today. So, thanks. :)
AND, sometimes--
I sit in class, feeling quite tired. But, then something is said that inspires me to become what I want to be. A quote is said, or an argument is made, or even a sly smile from a fellow classmate, that refuels my enthusiasm and reminds me of why I am still continuing to be a student. That being said-- Utah State University, and all of the friendship, learning opportunities, employment, service, and involvement that it has given me is beyond what I ever would have imagined graduating high school and coming to college a year or so ago. So, thanks. :)
WHILE, sometimes--
Dating can be rough. A simple crush can be nothing, or you can want a simple conversation to be everything. But, it's fun. I feel like sometimes, that's all that I need to remind myself. It's scary, thrilling, nerve-wracking, difficult, exciting-- and I love every minute of it. Whether it's a relationship or a simple date, I'm grateful for it all. I am constantly learning aspects that I want in a future spouse. Plus, I am creating some amazing friendships along the way. So, thanks. :)
UGH, sometimes--
My hair looks gross. Plain and simply. Or, my mascara is being weird. Or maybe my outfit isn't exactly how I had imagined it would be. But, that's okay. Whether my hair is long and curled, or spun up into a mess on the top of my head, whether I'm in jeans and a tee-shirt, or sweat pants and a sweatshirt, whether I've had a hard day and my makeup is all over my face, or I've decided to get dolled up and throw some eye shadow on, the people who love me, will still love me. My amazing friends, family and co-workers, are there for me every step of the way-- whether it's sharing an accomplishment, stressing about an analysis paper, or delirious from lack of sleep-- Those true people in my life are still there for me. Fancy that.
So, thanks. :)