Where better than Hawaii to relax and relieve all the loveliness of college stress?
Oh thank heavens.
There is something absolutely serene about the deep blue ocean as the waves slowly break onto the rocks and the way the sun hits the "end" of the ocean and disperses wondrous colors onto the water and into the clouds. It's relaxing, and a great place to really get away from the fuss.
All combined with the opportunity to see my dad and Lynn.
Family matters.
I still cannot describe how much I have discovered how important my family is to me; to anyone. Some of the absolute best friendships ever given to me are those of my family.
T-Minus two days until I head back to the bi-polar weather of my lovely home state of Utah.
Back to more family, friends, work, and school.
The continuance of a story still unwritten.
Oh, and by the way, today marks 13 months down, and 11 more to go for Elder Huston.
The giddy butterflies just took flight in my stomach again. They tend to do that a lot for him.
TTFN (You know, Tigger; Ta Ta For Now)